Tuesday, 6 May 2008

Creating A Logo...

I am finding this task a little difficult. Trying to design a logo that symbolizes me and what I am doing isn't easy. To make it simplistic and eye catching. At the moment my ideas are on paper and slowly after many attempts getting to what I would look for in a logo and maybe in the future I could use again. 
I am stuck between the idea of either having a symbol as the main element or lettering. If I choose lettering I will have to think carefully about the font and layout. Looking at other peoples journals from the class, they have combined their n
ame into it and something personal about themselves. I don't think I realized how much thought went into creating a strong logo. Font, colour, size, shape and design are the main elements you should think about when creating a logo.
Logo design is an important area of graphic design and one of the most difficult to perfect. Practices to encourage are to:
  • Avoid going overboard in attempting uniqueness.
  • Use few colours, limited colours and spot colours (any colour generated by ink, pure and mixed, that is printed using a single run).
  • Avoid gradients (smooth colour transitions) as a distnguishing feature.
  • Produce alternatives for different contexts.
  • Design using vector designs (the use of geometrical primitives such as points, lines, curves, and shapes or polygons, which are all based upon mathematical equations,  to represent images in computer graphics) so the logo can be resized without less of fidelity. 
  • Be aware of design or trademark infringements.
  • Include guidelines on the position on the page and white space around the logo for constant application across a variety of media (aka brand standard manual).
  • Not use a specific choice of clip-art (pre-made images used to illustrate any medium) as a distinguishing feature within.
  • Not use the face of a (living) person.
  • Not use photography or complex imagery as it reduces the instant recognition logo demands.
Tomorrow I will scan my logo designs and choose the one I feel is the strongest design and feel best describes me and work. Then work on it on photosh
op and make it into a stronger and more bolder logo.
Here are a few images of a few logos I have studied and got inspiration from. Each is famous and very successful. 

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